Monday, April 20, 2009

Question of the Day - April 20, 2009

meganberry asks:


Do you believe that artists today will ever impact their fans so greatly, in comparison to artists like The Beatles, or Elvis? Will there ever truly be another Beatlemania?

Hartmann responds:

The hysterical reactions of Beatlemania and Elvissteria were inspired by the emotions felt by their young female fans. Teenagers seem to respond to the things they love in a very demonstrative way. They are revealing raw, unbridled emotions stimulated by hormones and sexual awakening. It is not easily explained, but it could happen again. Previous superstars like The Great Caruso, Rudy Valli and Frank Sinatra created this sort of reaction from their followers. Every generation seems to choose a musical hero to focus their energy upon. It is part of the rebellion against parental authority. It is not only possible that it would happen again, but probable and in the near future too. It would be defying the historical trajectory for it not to happen.


Daniel said...

Jonas Bros mania is pretty crazy these days...still no Beatles, but young girls are pyscho about them.

Hartmann said...

Daniel: There is no question that the Jonas Brothers have stirred the hormones of this generations youngest ladies. However, even though the presentation is packaged in a music box, their appeal is not about music. They are a product of movies and TV. This form of "celebrity" usually loses its appeal as the fan base matures. But, there is no question that the lads are this seasons choice in a "Brittanyesque" sort of way. Since the object of peronal management is to build duration into the act, it remains to be seen if this sort of pop sensation can endure the test of time.